Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.
We collect and process information about your use of the Academy Website, such as the pages you visit and time spent on the site. Such information is used by us to help us improve the contents of the site and to compile, for internal research purposes, aggregate statistics about individuals using it.
This information may, at the request of your organisation, be provided to your organisation.
This kind of anonymous information can be obtained by our use of ‘cookies’ and server logs.
Intranet Users – The cookie will capture only analytical data. However, your SSO (Single Sign On) information is stored as a cookie from your ADFS authentication server. We have no access to this information and it is encrypted. External Users – The cookie will store a user’s login information only while the browser session is open. If the user opts into this functionality by ticking the ‘remember me’ box, the cookie will persist on the computer until you logout.
We use none identifiable information with Google analytics, Number of visitors and geographic information. You can view Google Analytics cookie policy here
We use none identifiable information with Silverstream tv. analytics and browser video player. You can view cookie policy here
We use identifiable information with Litmos, a LMS (Learning Management System) that manages our online training. You can view Litmos Privacy Policy here
Utilizamos cookies para garantizarle una mejor experiencia en nuestra pagina web.Utilizamos cookies.Saber más